Pardon and Peace

It’s not even the end of November yet and already everyone is just waiting for 2020 to end! This has been an extraordinary, unforgettable, world-changing year for most lives on this planet. And the worst part is that much of the catastrophe has been unleashed by human beings’ reactions to each other because of the virus, not the virus itself. This virus has brought out the worst and the best in humanity, but it seems like we have a long way to go before the worst is really fully out of us. What will it take, I wonder? Surely, changing the page of the calendar and wishing everyone a happy new year is not going to change our follies into wisdom and our tragedies into fortunes. When you pick up your phone or the newspaper, aren’t you tired of reading the brokenness of the world, each page and each day seemingly showing us an all new low of humanity? How much longer before we fall to our knees in exhaustion, longing to be better than THIS? What’s the point of another ...