Did God really say?

I have always LOVED asking questions! In school, only very specific and important questions were ‘allowed’, that too only after class. But in college, I met the most amazing professors who enjoyed listening to my questions as much as I enjoyed asking them. But they too had to work within time constraints and so they taught me how to ask questions that actually got me somewhere I wanted to go. At work, certain politically correct questions were encouraged but no one truly embraced the joy of asking questions that really mattered if it came at a cost to one’s ego or belief system. I had such a passion for asking questions, that after my wedding, my bridesmaid told me she thought I was going to raise my hand and ask a question in the middle of the priest’s sermon on our wedding day! And I just might have too! It was later with a certain group of people who really earned my trust, that I could open up and ask the questions that could change my life for the better. And since then,...