So, what do you do all day?

"So, what do you do?" I cringe everytime I hear that question, because now my brain has to work overtime to come up with an answer that that particular person can understand, without being condescending or rude. So, most times I go with: I'm a full time mother. Though, that's not really true, ok? It's been a few years since the kids have woken me up in the night. So, technically, I'm a day time mother. And also, my children are done with early childhood, so really, what can I possibly do for them that takes all day? Okaaay. So, then what do you really do all day? I cringe again. This time mostly because all the things I do do all day, have absolutely no value by the world's standard. Growing up, I was taught that intelligent, educated women didn't wash children's backsides or stitch clothes or bake cakes. They pursued careers and made their own money. And growing up, I found myself to be an intelligent, highly educated woman who thoroughly enjoye...