I do!

The look on the priest’s face as he begins to read the 3-page long wedding banns / announcements is priceless! It says it all: the wedding season is upon us! Watching young couples approach their big day with all the bustle and excitement really brings back memories of our 4-month long prepar ation for our own wedding day which happened 24 years ago! Looking back now, so much of what we invested so much time, energy and resources into had little or no relevance soon after the wedding. After all, a wedding is just for a day, a marriage for a lifetime! I remember the day after the wedding, wondering what had to be done with the expensive wedding dress and painstakingly handcrafted flowers. Over the years, I’ve had the chance to step back and take an objective look at our wedding planning decisions and if I happen to step into a time machine that would take me back to 1998, these are the things I would change: 1. Have my husband (who was the on...