The ABC of Dementia Caregiving

In the last 5 years, I have found that it is extremely difficult to explain to anyone unaffected by dementia (or wilfully ignorant of it), what exactly a dementia caregiver (unpaid, voluntary responsibility-taker) does all day, all week, all month... So I came up with one word for every letter in the A-Z so that someday if you are faced with the choice of taking up responsibility for your LOWD (Loved One With Dementia) you have some idea what you are signing up for: A is for Advocate Speaking up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Being an advocate for your LOWD's rights, wishes and especially for their rights that are in conflict with their own wishes B is for Bum area (et al) specialist The actual daily responsibility one human being can take for another is directly understandable by how much they know about their fluid intake and output, the quality and frequency of their bowel movements, their susceptibility to UTIs and bed sores and most importantly how t...