World's Greatest Father

I love surprises! And my Daddy knows that I love surprises! So we make a good team. He surprises me, I'm delighted, He's delighted that I'm delighted and I can delight in His amazing Fatherly love. Win-win-win! Well into the pandemic-lockdown-economic crisis of this year, mango season came upon us and I found some money I had hidden somewhere before lockdown and asked my husband to buy 2 dozen mangoes to give 12 people I had in mind for a Mother's day treat. And I was sure it had to be mangoes. This might not seem like much to you, but mangoes are a real expensive treat when everyone is counting pennies to buy food. In a few hours, someone knocked our door and we all froze because outsiders weren't allowed into our building. We opened the door to find a neighbour standing there with 24 mangoes he had just received from a farm. 2 dozen mangoes free for us. I laughed loudly, thanked him and my Daddy and took my money back from my husband! And those 12 peopl...