World's Greatest Father


I love surprises! And my Daddy knows that I love surprises!

So we make a good team. He surprises me, I'm delighted, He's delighted that I'm delighted and I can delight in His amazing Fatherly love. Win-win-win! 


Well into the pandemic-lockdown-economic crisis of this year, mango season came upon us and I found some money I had hidden somewhere before lockdown and asked my husband to buy 2 dozen mangoes to give 12 people I had in mind for a Mother's day treat. And I was sure it had to be mangoes. This might not seem like much to you, but mangoes are a real expensive treat when everyone is counting pennies to buy food. In a few hours, someone knocked our door and we all froze because outsiders weren't allowed into our building. We opened the door to find a neighbour standing there with 24 mangoes he had just received from a farm. 2 dozen mangoes free for us. I laughed loudly, thanked him and my Daddy and took my money back from my husband! And those 12 people had the treat my Daddy had wanted to give them all along.

This is just one of many many times my Daddy has provided everything He has wanted to me to enjoy or share with others, JUST BECAUSE HE CAN.

You may think that I'm some precious little Daddy's girl. And you are absolutely right. I sure am. My Daddy is the King of the Universe. And the best news is: He's your Daddy too!

Unfortunately, I have come across many children and adults who have been severely wounded by their earthly fathers and my hearts just break for them as they pour their grief out. Not because their earthly fathers were absent or abusive or just didn't care. But because their Daddy is awesome and they just don't know it yet.

Unfortunately for most people our impression of our earthly father totally clouds our perception of our Real Father: the One who created you and loved you into being irrespective of the circumstances of your conception.

If you grew up with a very strict father who dragged you to Church, you may think God is a dictator. If you grew up with a father who just lay on the sofa while your mother slogged away, you may think God just couldn't be bothered with the details of your life. If you grew up without a father, you may think you have to figure it all out without God because He's too far away.

The reality is we all have a REAL Father who has revealed Himself to us through His Son Jesus. And in our day to day walk through this earth, He wants to offer us somethings no earthly father can provide:

  1. Complete access: You can reach out to him anytime of the day or night, in any place and He will be free to chat with you.

  1. You are His top priority: No other job, responsibility or relationship is more important to Him than being your Father.

  1. His perfect provision: You will have all you need and more, not all you want, but all you need and that's good for you.

  1. His perfect discipline: slowly, gently, firmly but never harshly. He will not avoid disciplining you for fear He might look bad. He cares more about your welfare than how He looks.

  1. His strength in your weakness: He doesn't get angry if you wanna fight with Him. He will take all your punches with great love and patience. He'll let you scream and rant and kick and all the while He'll just quietly hold you.

  1. His reliability: His Word is 100% true. His Word and He don't change with seasons or moods or circumstances. He means what He says and He does exactly that.

  1. His security: He has the ability to make you so secure in your identity as His child that no other relationship, designation, power or wealth can compare. His child is all you will ever be truly proud of being, truly happy being, truly peaceful being.

  1. His commitment to intimacy: He's quick to forgive any offense. He just wipes it away like it never happened and He'll never bring it up again. He demands that we forgive just as quickly too so that there's nothing that gets in the way of intimacy with Him.

  1. His gentleness: He loves you most when you feel you deserve it least. He perseveres with those who turn away from Him without taking away our free will. He stands and knocks on the door of our hearts but He never ever barges in. He is patient.

  1. His ability to transform things: He can use every attack on us and change it into something for our good. He takes our broken hearts, our broken toys, our broken dreams and makes something so creative and fresh out of it that we'll never remember why we despaired in the first place. He changes our mourning into dancing, our sorrows into joys.

  1. His long term goals: He has prepared a room for you in heaven where you will have no more tears, no more pain, no more hardship. But He allows us to have those things here so we may be refined more and more into His image and likeness.

  1. His durability: He won't die, He won't run away, He won't disappear, He'll never fall out of love with you. He's not going anywhere. He wants to spend eternity with you and He sent His Son who willingly died for us so He could make sure we could access Him for eternity. He's not going anywhere.

  1. His incomparability: I mean, you've a million 'world's greatest father' cups but you've got only ONE world's greatest Father.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 

John 14:6

We have a good, good Father just waiting for us to come to Him.

Come on in.

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  1. Thank you for sharing ...yes we have a good good Daddy...He is good all the time. ♥️

  2. So joyfully written!!! Thank you for sharing ;)
    Ps I had the same song in my head as I read the first lines :) Mental high five!


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