A Mommy's report card

All through our school, college and work life, we've been given certain standards that are expected of us, certain objectives to pursue and a clear indication at the end of the year of how successful or unsuccessful we have been in each area. But when we become parents, what exactly are our objectives? To what standards do we compare ourselves? And how do we know if we are succeeding or not when we aren't even clear about what we are aiming for? When they are little, it seems clear enough. While we were doing our research on adoption before our first baby came home we sought advice from other adoptive family with babies, older children, grown up teens. On hearing that we had two bedridden elders to care for and no family support to help us get through the initial months of parenting, one adoptive mum advised me: just focus on the main things: keep the baby clean, well fed, well burped and .... uh, alive :) I laughed then because it seemed so silly when she said that and I l...