10 things about motherhood that I wish I knew before becoming a mother

This week 10 years ago, I was making the huge transition from ‘I’m a barren woman waiting for a baby’ to ‘I’m a mother and my 3-month-old daughter is coming home soon!’ This week 10 years ago, the sight of baby clothes, the smell of baby powder and the feel of baby diapers brought a huge smile on my face instead of the usual streams of tears. This week 10 years ago, my life changed irreversibly and I have lived the best 10 years of my 42-year-old life. The heavens had opened and God showered on us a season of immense favour after what seemed like an eternity of wandering in the desert. In these 10 years, I served through only two short hospitalizations for family members in comparison with 7 hospitalizations with family members and 6 times being hospitalized myself in the decades prior. I’m not even counting the very many accidents, surgeries not requiring hospitalization and other caregiving adventures. Through all these experiences, God had taught me ...