To-do list for Mommies
There was a time that I could function without to-do lists. I cannot for the life of me, remember that time in my life but I'm sure it existed. To-do lists are my biggest 'keep calm' tool. As I'm typing this out, I remembered two tasks and added them to my to-do lists. Now I can free my brain for other important business like...hmnn... wait...i can't remember what right now but I'm sure I have a to-do list of the big things I wanna do when I get through my to-do list for the day without reaching zero battery in my mind and body. There are many ways you can do to-do lists. One way is to just make a laundry list of all the things sauntering through your mind and keep attacking them. Another way is to make entries under headings like: urgent, important, dream stuff, etc. A third way is to just sit every night before bed and schedule things in for the next day/days/week as they come up. More exciting than my own to-do lists are the ones I make for my kids. Becaus...