
Showing posts from October, 2021

To-do list for Mommies

There was a time that I could function without to-do lists. I cannot for the life of me, remember that time in my life but I'm sure it existed. To-do lists are my biggest 'keep calm' tool. As I'm typing this out, I remembered two tasks and added them to my to-do lists. Now I can free my brain for other important business like...hmnn... wait...i can't remember what right now but I'm sure I have a to-do list of the big  things I wanna do when I get through my to-do list for the day without reaching zero battery in my mind and body.  There are many ways you can do to-do lists. One way is to just make a laundry list of all the things sauntering through your mind and keep attacking them.  Another way is to make entries under headings like: urgent, important, dream stuff, etc. A third way is to just sit every night before bed and schedule things in for the next day/days/week as they come up. More exciting than my own to-do lists are the ones I make for my kids. Becaus...

A note to fellow travellers

Don't stop now. Keep moving. One step at a time. Let's keep going. Rest if you must because the journey is tough.  But know that when we reach Home we will have perfect rest in Him.  So hold onto that picture.  Him hugging us when we get there. Patting us on the back and saying: well done! Until then.  Don't stop now.  Keep moving.  One step at a time.  Let's keep going.  We are already a day closer than we were yesterday.  We are already a lot stronger than we were yesterday.  Remember the lessons we've learnt on the way.  Remember we are together to hold each other up in prayer each day.  Don't stop now. Keep moving. One step at a time. Let's keep going.  I'm tired and I want to reach the finish line. Only He knows how long it's gonna take.  Only He knows how it's gonna end.  But He's on my side. He's got my back.  He's working it all out for my eternal good.  He wants me to win. And He's gonna be wit...