To-do list for Mommies

There was a time that I could function without to-do lists. I cannot for the life of me, remember that time in my life but I'm sure it existed. To-do lists are my biggest 'keep calm' tool. As I'm typing this out, I remembered two tasks and added them to my to-do lists. Now I can free my brain for other important business like...hmnn... wait...i can't remember what right now but I'm sure I have a to-do list of the big  things I wanna do when I get through my to-do list for the day without reaching zero battery in my mind and body. 

There are many ways you can do to-do lists. One way is to just make a laundry list of all the things sauntering through your mind and keep attacking them. 

Another way is to make entries under headings like: urgent, important, dream stuff, etc.

A third way is to just sit every night before bed and schedule things in for the next day/days/week as they come up.

More exciting than my own to-do lists are the ones I make for my kids. Because I have all the joy of making the list and they have all the responsibility of attacking the things on the list. Mommy for the win! 

But the best ones are the ones my children make for themselves. Seeing them use their time wisely gives me great joy. Seeing them be purposeful and intentional about their lives and goals is so rewarding.

But sometimes, life can seem like one long list. There are always going to be clothes to wash, things to tidy up and errands to run. And if, God forbid, you decide to just zone out for a few days to be unwell or focus on someone else's lists, your own pending list is enough penance to make sure you never slack off again.

So in this seemingly unending chain of to-do lists, let's make another list of some key urgent, important, super duper essential mommy things to do every day. 

1. *Wake up and get out of bed.* 

Absolutely essential. Have you ever tried waking up and not getting out of bed on time? You will find the house and its members in such a state that you will make sure to wake up even earlier the next day. Doesn't matter what's going on in your life, in your mind or body. It is one hundred percent essential for a mommy to show up for work on time everyday. If you don't, please realign your expectations of others for the next few days and get busy catching up on what you slacked off on. Hospitalizations are the exception. If you decide to get really sick and shut your phone off you might get the rest you desperately need and return home to sympathising folk who may make it easier for you in the next few days. I say 'may' because I haven't had the time to try this myself in the last decade but it's my dream solo vacation destination: hospital! Hopefully, I won't have to get out of bed to go to the loo also. Someday. I'm putting that down on my 'dream stuff' list.

2. *Clean*

Have you met a mommy who doesn't clean? Have you met a mommy who doesn't like cleaning? Me!!!! But I still clean. Top things to clean everyday are: my heart, my mind, my body and especially my tongue. Clean, clean, clean. Clean as soon it gets dirty and then go in for deep cleaning to the Master Cleaner. Next, clean relationships. And lastly, and only if absolutely necessary, clean objects. 

3. *Go to bed.*

Go to bed in a clean bed. Don't let any creepy crawly worries climb into bed with you. Keep a slipper at your bedside and smack them hard if they try to trespass your boundaries. If you don't have a slipper, try the Bible or a crucifix. Don't let any tears climb in there with you. Leave them behind in the shower. Play a loud song in the shower and howl if you must, but don't let those tears get into bed with you. This I know from experience: a pillow that is soaking wet from your tears is no fun to sleep on. And then, you'll have to air the pillow the next day and just add one unnecessary thing to your to-do list. Holding the tears back in doesn't work either. Your bills will go up in medicines and doctors and tests and you can't complete much on your to-do list in a doctor's waiting room. So let those tears out in the shower and get into bed without them.

4. *Make notes to yourself.* 

Mental notes like: ok, next time I try this recipe, I'll switch the order of these two steps. Or physical notes: I may not have time to write a book because I'm busy scribbling notes everywhere. But make notes to yourself. I wish I could send myself whatsapp messages. I would type stuff like: Hey you! Rockstar! Got out of bed before the alarm today!!! Wooohooo! You go, girl!!!

Now if you didn't have the time to make notes to yourself and just started talking aloud to yourself, maybe that would work too. But remember to put your earphones in and plug them to your phone. So others think you are talking to another human. 

5. *Talk to another human.*

No, I don't mean tell your kids to brush their teeth or clean their room or whatever. And I don't mean reminding your spouse about things to buy or social engagements either. I mean TALK to another human being. Talk. Listen. Stop in between and sip some chai.  Dialogue. Laugh. Say something totally stupid just so you get a chance to laugh out loud with another human being. Very essential on the to-do lists for mommies. I think mommies make terrific talking companions for each other and I'm sooooo grateful for my posse of mommies who will rally around any one of us to make sure she is heard. So that none of us go a single day unheard.

6. *Be loved*

My last and most important thing to do of every single day, my dearest beloved sister in mommyhood is to *be loved.* Don't have anyone around you to love you? No problemo! Come with me, to the One who loves us both so very very much He suffered and died just so we could be free to experience God's amazing love for us, even if, actually especially if, we have no one else to love us at this time in our lives. He loves me. He loves you. And while we work so hard to love everyone around us: will and act towards what's best for them: both temporally and eternally,  let's not forget to receive His love. Because it's free. It's totally accessible. It's life giving. And it's very very costly. But free for us. So let's be loved. 

And herewith, I end my list of absolutely essential things for a mommy to do everyday at the weird number 6, because I'm quite sure that as soon as I post this, I'll remember some more. But whether I do or not, you can definitely chip in with your must-do items too. But please don't mention my name. This blog is anonymous. Thank you for remembering that. I know you have a very long to-do list too, dearest mommy. So spill your top beans here in the comments section. 


  1. My dearest Mama in touched the notes of my hearts at almost every you and God bless you...


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