The Counterfeit Collection

Have you seen the ' what you ordered v/s what you got' memes? They are really funny, except, of course, if YOU paid good money to get a counterfeit product too. Some don't work/fit at all and some look exactly like the advertised product but are still far from what they are supposed to be. So, you click a photo, get a few likes and laughs out of it, return the product and hope to get your money back. Maybe you send out a prayer too. But you can't do the same with counterfeit experiences, now can you?! Time and energy once spent is gone forever. So I thought I'd enlist my collection of experiences that appear like prayer i.e. communicating with God but are far from the real deal. I had tried all of these many times over before I realized that what I was doing was just mimicking the real thing. In the process, I lost out on much time and many opportunities to enjoy a genuine communication with God. Maybe this list will save you some time. Or maybe you'd like...