The Counterfeit Collection

Have you seen the 'what you ordered v/s what you got' memes? They are really funny, except, of course, if YOU paid good money to get a counterfeit product too. Some don't work/fit at all and some look exactly like the advertised product but are still far from what they are supposed to be. So, you click a photo, get a few likes and laughs out of it, return the product and hope to get your money back. Maybe you send out a prayer too.

But you can't do the same with counterfeit experiences, now can you?! Time and energy once spent is gone forever. So I thought I'd enlist my collection of experiences that appear like prayer i.e. communicating with God but are far from the real deal. I had tried all of these many times over before I realized that what I was doing was just mimicking the real thing. In the process, I lost out on much time and many opportunities to enjoy a genuine communication with God. Maybe this list will save you some time. Or maybe you'd like to try these out for yourself before you yearn for genuine dialogue with the One who created you:

  1. Time to Zone Out

Tell the people who bug you that you are praying and just zone out: day dream, catch a nap, stare at the changing colour of the building in front of you as the sun rises or sets. While this is immensely relaxing and definitely needed from time to time in our 'always busy' lifestyles it is not in fact, any sort of communication with the Creator of the sunset and you. As far as people are concerned, they may think I am deep in prayer but I know where I am. Or do I?!

  1. Time to Exercise

Following the recipe to the T for all the right words and postures. Jog that memory of yours and rattle off those prayers, making sure you are alert to sit, stand, kneel or close your eyes when everyone else is. Feels like a job done, roster signed and now you're off the hook till next time.

  1. Time to Shop

After you've done making your grocery list to order online, put your debit card back and get on God's case. Now where's that list of what I wanted to order from God?! Aah, same as last week (because the stock is over) plus add three more favours and five more blessings. Submit the list, punch in the OTP (our time, please) and you're good to go. Delivery is unpredictable, but then, no one else supplies the items on this list.

  1. Time to get my weekly fix

It's been a long day/week, I'm tired and wanna 'feel good'. Let's put on that youtube speaker/worship music I like, really get into it and don't forget to hit like, subscribe and share. I put in the time, I feel good at the end of it, that's all that matters.

  1. Time to escape reality

The news channels, whatsapp groups and even TV serials are getting too real to handle? Escape into an imaginary world where everything works out fine in your head and don't bother asking God what you can do about any of that real stuff.

  1. Time to play hardball

All this 'prayer' is getting me nowhere, so time to shout, bargain, cry, negotiate, placate and remind God of how much He owes me since I worked so hard for Him.

  1. Time to worry

Sit with God and worry about all that's wrong with the world and your life. He doesn't know, He doesn't read the news, so He's counting on you to inform Him and ensure He gets right on it. Without you and me telling God what to do, He wouldn't have a clue, right? Right??!

When your soul is finally and fully fed up of this collection of counterfeits, sit down with a cup of chai and have a heart to heart chat with Jesus. Focus on Him more than yourself. Focus less on doing and more on being. Don't censor yourself because He wants to hear it all. Ask Him what He thinks. Stay and rest with Him. Then invite Him to walk with you through all your daily experiences. He can refresh all the old habits and breathe real life into them. You can say sorry for faking it. He can take all the counterfeit prayer experiences you've had and use them to build a new relationship with you. Ask for His perspective on each thing. Listen with all your being to what He's already said so many times. And most importantly, ask Him to help you communicate with Him better. Ask Him to teach you how to chat with Him all day, through all you do, irrespective of whether you are alone or with others, at work or 'at prayer'. And if, like me, you fail and fall back into old ways, know fully well that all you have to do is ask and He can draw you close to Him again.

If you can't see the video, click


  1. Very insightful concerning prayer. Especially certain times when we sit down in prayer and fumble.


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