Coming Home

You are my home, oh Lord

Your loving gaze is where I fix my sight from afar

Yours is the face I yearn to touch

Your Word invites me to be cleansed and renewed 

Yours are the shoulders upon which I hang my baggage up

Yours are the arms where I receive the most intimate love there is to receive

Upon your beating heart, I lay my ears to listen

Your body and blood provide me with the most important nutrition

Yours is the lap in which I rest my head and wake up refreshed

Yours are the feet at which I gladly lay my life down

You are my home Oh Lord

It doesn't matter where I came from or where I now live 

It doesn't matter what I own or what I choose to give

Because you are my home oh Lord

The safest home

The most loving home

The most peaceful home

The most life- giving home

The most nourishing home

Jesus, you are my home. 

And in you my home, I live and work and find my being.

In you my home, I find my purpose, my meaning, my joy amidst trials

In you my home, no past is welcome, no future to be feared. 

In you my home, I am more than all I have ever hoped to be: yours.


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