What we do NOW matters for all eternity!

Rise up, Church and take your place in history TODAY! 

What we do now matters for all eternity! 

For the last 24 hours, the world has watched, vented and wept as the United States of America split apart with many in rage, grief, shock and dismay and many others in stupendous joy! Lifelong friends can't face each other, families are ripped apart, communities in fear of the majority group in their state. The ripple effects are felt all over the world because so many of us have friends and family in the United States.

We who are called to be God's people, a royal priesthood, one Holy Nation, we rise up and take our place in history today! 

1. Remember that our battle is NOT against flesh and blood. DO NOT fall into the trap of getting angry, hostile, dismayed and grieved over the countless souls who do not know Jesus and therefore cannot choose life while they are still entrapped in the kingdom of darkness. It's not their fault. Please don't be angry with them. 

2. Remember that our battle is against the spiritual forces of evil. So prepare to fight the correct enemy with the armour God has given us. 

3. Choose to forgive even when you absolutely do not want to. Destroy the devil's goal of making you worship your own desires over God. 

4. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks for those who are putting their lives and families in danger to save countless unborn lives. Pray for those who persecute them because they really do not know what they are doing. Pray for the Church to stand firm in the Lord and do what's it's supposed to do! 

5. Fix your gaze on the author of life and worship Him only. 

6. Start helping in practical ways: listen to your ranting, venting friend with the ears of Jesus, watch out for the vulnerable who do not know what to do or where to turn, start mobilizing resources to meet the very practical needs of babies who are going to be born to mothers who are completely unprepared for them. 

7. Stop judging, gossiping and slandering those who are in crises pregnancies irrespective of how bad you think they have been. Prepare the church to receive with genuine compassion and love the many birth mothers who have nowhere to go.  

This is the time to have baby showers for them, to organise shelter and food for them, to give them your shoulder to cry on, to take them to their maternity check ups, to sit with them in the waiting rooms, to gather the financial support they need, to hold their hands through childbirth, to prepare them for motherhood or a safe relinquishment of their baby, to pay all your staff well so no one has to be afraid of the gift of a child. 

The world needs us today, church.

Pregnant girls and women need us. 

Innocent babies need us. 

And yes, confused and absent fathers need us too. 

Those who will lose their jobs in abortion clinics need us. 

Those who will attempt to kill themselves need us. 

And the only thing of real value we have to give is JESUS. 

More of Jesus, less of us. 

How we respond today will matter for all eternity! 


  1. Thank you for your compassionate, courageous words. Yes this is what Jesus meant when he said, "Whatever you did for the least of my brethren..." Surely these little ones are the least.. voiceless and defenceless.


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