God first laid this blogpost on my heart in Feb 2021. And since then, there have been many times when I thought about writing it. But last night, God clearly gave me the title and then the content came pouring out in under 20 minutes.
I share this to glorify Him who gives me everything I have, including these learnings over close to 20 years of intentional discipleship.
Ministry is anything you do for Jesus
with love. In the early years of following
Christ, I thought that ministry meant what people did to lead me to Christ:
lead a Bible study, worship God with music, listen and counsel people. As the
years passed, I also wanted to do that, and I wanted to go really big for Christ.
I wanted to do something grand, visible and reach many thousands of souls for
Him. But through the last 20 years, God has redirected me consistently: “Whatsoever
you do to the least of my brothers/sisters, that you do unto me”. And “whatever
you do, do it for the glory of God.” Every time I wanted to do something bold
and big for Jesus, He asked me to do something small and invisible for Him. It
took me years to understand that true ministry is whatever is done for Jesus out
of love. So, it doesn’t have to be a thing with a brand, website, structure and
systems. It can be anything Jesus is asking you to do for Him: including caring
for a spouse having a hard time, being patient with the elderly when they ask the
same question for the 1000th time, sacrificing sleep for infants, showing
restraint with difficult people.
“We can do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa
Indispensable? You are definitely not. God can easily find someone better than you to do what He's asked you
to do, so we should never take anything He asks us to do for granted and we
should serve him with an attitude of gratitude for being called into His service.
No man can live as an island. Ministry
is a not a one man show. It's loving and serving God in
community. God may have called you to do something alone or you may feel very
alone in what God has called you to do. But God will be glorified more if you
do that very lonesome service in community with Christ’s body: both giving and
receiving love.
Institutions set up for ministry can
become hindrances to ministry. Don't be
afraid to leave the institution for the ministry. Too many great saints disobeyed
direct orders from their parents who they were subject to or heads of the
institutions they had committed to, in order to obey God in what He asked them
to do. The opposite is also true, that many great saints have stayed put in very difficult institutions because God had asked them to. The decision about staying or leaving is a decision you have to make with God because only He can tell you what He needs you to do in His service. The point I'm making is don’t get so invested in sustaining and protecting any institution that
you disregard God's will and His instructions to you. Institutions that were set up in Jesus's name are His to protect, not yours. Let the Boss be the Boss and let us be His servants. Remember, that the head of the world's largest institution i.e the Catholic Church is Jesus, not the Pope. If He can handle His Church, He can handle whatever will happen to any institution you belong to.
Sex always comes up. We are sexual beings and we cannot pretend that we are not. Keep clear,
Godly boundaries with everyone. No private meetings or phone calls with members
of the opposite sex. If privacy is needed, couples should minister together or
males minister to males and females to females. Modern confessionals have glass
doors through which you can see the face of the priest but not the face of the
person making their confession.
Temptations come more vociferously when
responsibility increases. So, the more people you serve
in Jesus’ name, the deeper your foundation of personal prayer life has to
be. If you have a busy day, start it with an hour of personal prayer. If
you have a really busy day, make it two hours. Soak yourself in Christ before
you go anywhere to do anything in Him.
Regular breaks are critical. Find a weekly day off especially if you work extra hard on Sundays.
God instituted the day of rest right from Adam’s time because it's part of his
perfect plan for our humanity. Don't think you are smarter than God and can
work 7 days a week without it hurting you. Working around the clock, even
for God, especially for God, can open many doors to temptation and sin. Schedule
annual holidays or sabbaticals every 7 years if possible. Don’t deny your
humanity. God needs you to be human to glorify Himself through you.
You cannot pour from an empty cup. So, take whatever God is giving you today: His presence, His peace, His
grace, His wisdom to endure trials and suffering, the lessons He teaches you
along the way. And then give to others only from the overflow. Otherwise,
you are doing them a disservice by giving from your own limited stock of everything
good instead of giving from an overflow of God's abundant stock of everything
Money matters. Easiest ministries to run are the ones that don't need money. But
everything does. Transparency and accountability are critical. Even if you are
dealing in double digit numbers. It's God's money, not yours. So treat it with
responsibility. Don’t use the money given to you for God’s work for your team’s
picnics or cushy travel.
Everything takes time. It's God's timing that counts, not yours.
Go at God's pace: slower if He says slower. Faster if He says faster.
He’s the Boss. It’s His kingdom business. So, He has every right to tell
you what to do and when to do it. If you think it’s taking too long, there’s a
reason for it. And God knows best when to open doors and when to shut them.
Ask and you shall receive. As a homemaker, I often do not have disposable income to spend on
others. Once during the pandemic, in my prayer time, I felt the Lord leading me
to gift 12 mangoes to some specific people. I searched for some money I had
saved to buy them. But before I could buy them, a neighbour arrived at my door with
12 mangoes (for free). If you think God is asking you to serve Him or others in
a particular way, do not hesitate to ask Him for anything you need to do that: grace,
energy, time, resources, contacts, money, favour, etc. He has all this sticked
in abundance and He has already budgeted for everything you can possibly need
for life and godliness.
Never say NO to God. I forget who wrote this dangerous prayer: Lord, give me the grace to
say YES to whatever you ask me to do next without knowing what it is you will
ask me. If you say No to something God is asking you to do, you will be the
one who misses out on the most.
Stay anonymous at best, low key if you have to go public. Too many ministries have stopped being fruitful because it has become
all about positioning and protecting the face of the ministry. All glory should
go to God alone, not you. If God wants to make a spectacle out of you for His
glory, He is fully able to do it at your funeral also. He doesn’t need you to
do it for him.
Lavish yourself on Jesus. Give him yourself like the woman pouring oil on his feet. Hold nothing
back. Especially when no one is watching you, do your very best at every
task you do for Jesus.
Obey orders from God at all costs. Even you make a fool of yourself or alienate your allies. We have lost
many good friends and relatives due to our obedience to God. In the moment, it
was very painful. But in retrospect, it was completely worth it.
Very easy to love strangers, be kind
and go the extra mile for them. Because
they don’t know who you really are, you can keep up the mask with them for short
durations. Try being patient everyday with that person you live with who drives
you crazy. That matters to God. Mother Teresa again: “If you want to change
the world, go home and love your family.” If every child in the world grew
up in a Godly, loving family, there would be no need for any ministries or
NGOs. Forgot who said this: don’t let your house sit in darkness while you
use your light to shine up the street. Keep your priorities in the right
order: God, vocation, dependents, work/ministry.
Every little thing matters to God. The most fruitful thing you did today in the service of God may be that
smile you offered a lonely person, not the deal you cracked, the money you saved,
the blogpost you published. We have no idea what the eternal implications of
our obedience are for other people’s souls. So, listen to the Holy Spirit and
do the small things well.
Bottom line: If you are wondering what ministry to participate in or lead
for Jesus, remember this: ministry means love. You do not need any approvals
from Church higher ups, any permissions from local governance, any cooperation
from your family members to LOVE IN JESUS’ NAME AND STRENGTH.
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